Friday 14 November 2014

Transmission 897668 - Tolerance

<<<<<<<Transmission 897668>>>>>>>>

Hello Peep 1024,

“A useful Peep will thrive”

Your final aptitude test will be tolerance

“A tolerant Peep will thrive”

<<<<<<<End Transmission>>>>>>>>

You once again awake in a bright white room with the vision of the black and green transmission screen slowly fading from your view. This time however you are sitting down on a smooth white chair that seems to have been molded from the floor. You hear a very calm and relaxed female voice “We must tolerate all” it fills the air and is being constantly repeated every 10 ticks or so. Suddenly the wall in front of you begins to stretch and distort in its center as if something was growing out of it, a smooth white humanoid arm takes shape and slowly makes its way toward where you sit. When it reaches you, the female voice stops and a very high pitched, very loud beep sounds in a continuous tone, the room is plunged into darkness, and a light begins to strobe in a random pattern.

You begin to feel the odd sensation of fear for the first time and it takes an enormous amount of willpower to not try and run, but you must tolerate all.

The arm begins slapping lightly at your ankles, it slowly make its way up your body, each time it seems to apply more force to the slap, by the time it reaches your torso you are feeling pain from each strike. The hand balls up into a fist when it reaches your chest and begins punching you in the neck then in the face. You close your eyes and keeping repeating to yourself “I must tolerate all”. The arm eventually stops and moves a little way back from you, the high pitched beep becomes silent and the lights return. You relax feeling dazed and slightly confused.

A small opening on the wall directly to your left appears and you notice it in your peripheral vision. You recognize what these are from the agility aptitude test. At its current trajectory the projectile will hit the arm. An innate instinct within you screams for you to prevent that from happening. Without thought you find yourself standing between the arm and projectile hole. The hole closes, no projectile was fired.

On the wall to your left a doorway forms, through it you can only see bright white light. In front of your vision, the text appears:

<<<<<<<Transmission 897669>>>>>>>>

Congratulation Peep 1024,

You have completed your initial start-up sequence without issue.

Please proceed through the doorway

“A Compliant Peep will Thrive"

<<<<<<<End Transmission>>>>>>>>

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